Soil Erosion
South West Soils Discussion Group Spring Meeting
This event by the South West Soils Discussion Group and the Royal Geographical Society is a great opportunity to bring custodians of the land and researchers of soil together from across the South West to discuss soil erosion and soil damage.
The aim of the meeting is to explore and discuss:
- Why soils erode
- How to keep out soils on the fields
- How to repair soil damage
- The future of soil management in the South West and beyond.
Confirmed speakers include Will Blake and Maarten Wynants from the University of Plymouth who will talk about land management and soil erosion in Latin America and Africa. Some of their work was recently published in the Guardian and this should be an interesting contrast to the issues and work ongoing in Devon and Cornwall.
Other confirmed speakers include Richard Smith (Environment Agency), Bob Evans (Anglia Ruskin University), and Jason Stopps and Kate Smith (ADAS).
Visit the British Society of Soil Science website for full details including the agenda and registration information.